You ever get the feeling that any given point, someone around you is going to have an absolutely spontaneous bout of insanity and do something violent or destructive? I always worry I might be at the receiving end if someone, suddenly, feels an uncontrollable impulse to sucker punch someone upside the head and I happen to be nearest.

I don't believe in character consistency when it comes to people. I believe that we all, periodically, break character and do something we'd never usually do. It might be a random act of kindness from an absolute asshole. It might be sudden asshole-ish behaviour from someone you could trust. I understand that, after a point, people don't really change much from their core characters and personalities, but that doesn't inhibit them from doing something uncharacteristic when you least expect it. It's basic human nature to constantly allow changes, no matter how temporary or how radical they may be. There's an exception to every situation and, given life's sudden situational challenges, everyone will make an exception to their own set of rules and principles.

Then again, maybe that's just me. I like to be as uncharacteristic as possible, which is fun because it means that I potentially become harder and harder to predict. Or I'm steadily becoming predictably uncharacteristic. In either case, I get to experiment with my personality and that's fun because it helps me learn more about what the kind of person I'd want to be. I mean, who wants to be normal? I have a theory that there exists a group of insane people who are only insane because they're so bored of being normal. Anyone can be normal. Anyone can have a large set of normal characteristics and personality traits and my argument is that they're the dullest people to talk about. I think everyone, regardless of age, should pull one hilariously child prank just because they're great sources of stress-relief and make hilarious youtube videos.

I find it easier to deal with life when I treat every new challenging twist or turn as a story to be told. And life will give you many stories. Stories you will reminisce over and fondly wish you could relive. Stories of great loss and suffering followed by an inspirational quip on how you got through it. Stories you can share with when someone needs a little empathy. Ultimately, life will hurl unexpected challenges your way but the best way to take it is to include it as another interesting episode in the story of You.

Also remember that there are no definitive blacks or whites in your life except the ones you make for yourself. Your opinions, morals and personal principles decide your own parameters for what is right, what is wrong and what exists in the moral middle-ground. Or, for some of you, whether that moral middle-ground even exists. All values, be it the simple ones like sharing and helping those in need, to minding your p's and q's are entirely subjective and differ to person to person. Know your blacks and whites and allow them a certain amount of room to adapt to your own constantly changing points of perspective.
There's no absolute correct way to live. Everyone has regrets, even if we've convinced ourselves that it's pointless to hold onto regrets. Logically, there's no point trying to will something away from our past because it will forever remain there. But, at the same time, we're not purely logical beings. A large driving force to all humans alike is emotions and it's our emotions that develop that heavy sense of regret and guilt for actions done or not done. It's how we function and there's no pointing fighting it. All we really do is decide how the compilation of our achievements, regrets and aspirations will mold us. Can we make the best of the worst situations? Can we accept all good fortunes with a grain of salt? Can we best our prides or be proud of our best?
I could say that the choice is yours but not choosing would be a choice in itself so, really, do whatever the fuck you want and follow that path taken. Imagine your life to be a car accelerating away and your breaks are mysteriously unresponsive; the only thing you really can do is steer.
That's all for now. I have an episode of How I Met Your Mother to catch.
See ya later, masturbator!

DISCLAIMER: All images seen above are from Google Images, Cyanide and Happiness, xkcd, or somewhere else. I take no credit for the creation of these images. If any offence was taken by the given content, either to your race or to your face, all I have to say to you is this: Tough Titties. That is all. Unless, of course, you liked it then many thanks for reading it and remember how much less I hate you for it! :)